Where I'm From

I am from American immigrants,

arrived from Poland via Siberia and Africa in 1950.

I am from American immigrants,

arrived from England and France in the 1600s.

I’m from San Diego but not the beach.

We rarely went to the beach.

I’m from overeducated intellectuals with high expectations,

three generations of PhDs,

from “If you want to go to Harvard, we’ll pay for it” to

scholarship applications detailing expenses for my sister’s cello lessons in LA.

I didn’t even apply to Harvard,

but Dad kept harping on my not getting into Yale.

I am from preachers three generations back and atheist parents,

“religion is the opiate of the masses,” and

looking or sounding Jewish will get you killed.

I’m from scientists and musicians and writers,

truth and beauty.

I am from disdain for anything fashionable or popular.

I am from classical music,

symphonies on the Hi-Fi,

flute lessons weekly and Civic Youth Orchestra on Saturdays.

Mom thinks all rock music is garbage,

but Dad owned Beatles albums.

I’m from Arrowbear Music Camp, “happiest days in all our teens.”

Forty years later, I still remember all the words of the camp songs.

Note: This is a poem that I wrote in August 2020 in response to a prompt in an online writing group. I am currently working on an article that explains my philosophy and the “why” behind my business and my books. While writing it, I suddenly remembered this poem and decided to share it here.

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